
Welcome to Carey Baptist Association!

Our desire is to minister to you and your loved ones and to help strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

All of the objectives of this association are designed to assist the churches in bringing individuals to God through Jesus Christ. Specifically, the objectives of our association may be stated as follows:

    1.  To afford and promote a larger fellowship of Christians in the work of Christ.

    2.  To discover needs which cannot be met effectively by churches individually, and to coordinate the use of resources           in meeting those needs.

    3.  To provide programs and projects and establish organizations to strengthen the churches and to assist them in                   achieving their objectives and goals.

    4.  To encourage every church to support the missionary, educational and benevolent causes of the Association,
         the  Arkansas Baptist State Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention.

    5.  To discuss such subjects as the Biblical doctrines, polity, ethical standards, and to interpret the Baptist position.

We trust you will find our website informative and inspirational.  Please contact us with questions or comments and join us in person as we serve the Lord together! 



  • Women's Retreat

    The retreat registration form is on the Women's Retreat Registration link.

  • Executive Board Meeting

    Executive Board Meeting

    Tuesday, April 8, 2025

    FBC Tinsman

    Meal at 6:30. Meeting to follow.